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In order to maintain a certain quality of products and services, several standards needs to be met by Canadian companies - and on multiple levels.

Does your company offer a compliant electronic signature system?
Is your website PCI compliant?
What about your company's accounting standards?

BioITpm has more than a decade of experience in compliance and offers an innovative, turnkey solution to ensure that your certifications (and all related documents) are accessible from a central and secure space.
Our compliance solutions give you a validation master plan, as well as a central database including your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as well as your compliance documentation.

ISO • NIST • HIPAA • Professional organisation • FDA • PCI • GDPR • Government-issued compliance • Cybersecurity protocols

Image by Clément Hélardot

Web Compliance

There are a host of protocols that must be followed on the web, regardless of the type of website.


In addition, a constantly changing web world requires you to adapt regularly.


Does your website pass the test?


Medical standards

Your professional order imposes many protocols and regulations which must be followed to the letter. How do you manage your professional compliance?


Our turnkey solutions simplify all your compliance - from procedures to website.


Accounting standards

Your administration as well as your accounting department processes transactions every day, creating an imposing volume of vital documents. Managing your documentation is crucial.


Do you have everything you need to meet accounting standards for your documentation?

Face the audits. Ensure your corporate compliance.
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